M-I-C-H-E-L-L-E! A BIG THANKS for watching Libby today and giving me some "Grace and me" time. After dropping Libby off at Lucas and Carter's (Michelle's boys) Grace and I went to Wal-Mart to buy mommy a non-maternity outfit (since all of her clothes are in storage). Then we went to some preliminary floor shopping. I was hoping to choose colors, but that didn't happen. Oh well. THEN...on to the good stuff. We came home and busted tail on getting our lovely little house CLEAN!
Ok...so mommy busted tail on getting the house clean. Grace...well, she slept and woke up to eat a couple of times. You'll have that. Anyway, here are some pictures of the CLEAN living room.
And the CLEAN dining room.
And the CLEAN kitchen.
And Libby's CLEAN room.
And, last but not least, the CLEAN bathroom.
Thank you SO much Michelle as I can most likely be a better mommy to both Grace and Libby now that I can concentrate on them and not what I should be doing. I appreciate it GREATLY!
I'm glad that your house is clean but you really need to chill a little. When you have one under the age of 6 months you don't ever get to have a clean house. A nap would have been productive too. :)
Libby was lots of fun. Her and Lucas played so well. She was so good. Carter on the other hand... well Libby was a little frustrated that 15 month olds don't share - good thing he takes 3 hr naps in the middle of the day. She will learn soon enough when Grace is ready to play.
I'd be happy to do it again sometime soon!!!
I don't think I could have slept with my house the way it was. :) Lucas must have REALLY worn Libby out. After we got the call that there was no MOPS she went back to bed for two and a half hours and then STILL took a nap (I only hd to ask once) for an hour later. Then, she was out like a light bulb at 9:30 last night. That is more sleep in a 24 hour period for her than she's had since she was a year old.
Looks absolutely fabulous -- way to go. I'm so glad you got that time. You deserve it.
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