Friday, January 11, 2013


Libby asked me if I would be willing to teach her how to sew for school.  Now, mind you, I am only teaching myself now, so my knowledge is by far NOT vast!  It is, however, deep enough that I decided to take her up on the task.  I figured we would start with something simple, like a pillow case.  First, though, I wanted to check around to see what the internet gurus had to say on the subject.  When I ran across Whipstitch Fabrics short curriculum I fell in love!  We didn't end up starting with a pillow case, we ended up starting with patience.

How did we learn patience in sewing?  Good ol' fashioned noodle necklaces!

First, we had to prepare the coloring.

Then, we had to be persistent to get the color we wanted.

  Patience while the noodles dried!

A little planning will go a long ways.

Then, there is my other personality type...let's just play while we wait!

Finally, the noodles are ready and it is time to make patterns out of our necklaces.

A little bit of problem solving was required!

Last, but not least, our perfect products!

Now my children know that string holds together a final product that was just pieces before we put a little work into it.  They also learned a bit about preparation, persistence, patience, planning, playing, patterning, problem solving and producing while they were at it.  All in all, a good day's lesson!

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