Thursday, February 18, 2010

Treasure Hunt

One of the activities for home school the other day was a treasure hunt. We were studying H for horse and our words to remember for the week were I obey right away. I filled out some clues for Libby to follow and she had to obey the clues to find the treasure. It was a fun reinforcement of her lesson. Later, though, I got to thinking of the implications that this activity held for me as a Christian.

Where do we find out about God's character and who He is? The Bible, yet so many people say, "I tried to read it and I don't understand what I'm reading," and then they give up. I'm definitely guilty of not reading my Bible every day. Why would I not spend time in His Word? Seriously, Libby got SO excited over a Reese's peanut butter much more excited should I be about the treasures that are in God's Word? Sometimes the Bible can be confusing, but Libby's clues were rhyming hints...she had to think a little bit about where the next place was. Are we reading our Bibles with our eyes or with our minds? And, Libby didn't find the treasure after reading the first clue, she had to be diligent (not very, mind you) and continue on until she found the treasure. Are we being diligent and persevering een when we don't understand? I truly believe that God will reward our diligence and that He will start to put His wisdom in our heart if we continue reading our Bibles even when we don't get it. And to be honest? Libby was disappointed that there were no more clues after she found the treasure. Why? Because half the fun is the adventure of getting to the treasure.

I encourage you to pick up your Bible and read a chapter today. Pray for God's wisdom as you read the chapter. And if you don't understand it? For heaven's sake, pick it up and try again tomorrow! God WILL reward you if you seek Him...He promises! (Jeremiah 29:13)

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