Monday, August 30, 2010
Favorites at Grandma's
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
That's Not Supposed to Happen
Chris and the girls were sitting on the spinny-chair in Grace's (ex) room. They were goofing around like usual when the girls had the same great idea at the same great time. They threw themselves back on daddy with enough force to throw the chair over backward. Daddy called to mommy for help and mommy did the responsible thing...she ran and got the camera to take a picture. :) I'm honestly just glad that it happened while they were facing the window so they would be thrown into the room rather than into the wall. Yikes!
Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Fun
First Night
Last night went pretty well. We got bedding at Target, came home and tossed it all in the washer and then the dryer. The girls' bedtime is 9:00 and the bedding was finshed at 9:05. Grace crawled right into her bed...and then got out and said she had to go potty. After she DID go potty she got right back in...and then got out and wanted some milk. After her drink of milk (which I brought to her room) she laid back down and I didn't hear from the girls again until this morning.
At which point Libby said, "I had to wake Grace up by singing 'Rise and Shine'." Oops! I had to explain to her that instead of purposefully waking her sister up she needed to try to be quiet so Grace could continue to sleep. She understood about an hour later when Grace was throwing uncontrollable fits because she was tired. You live and learn!
Tonight we should have Bubby in his room, too. Right now his room is the holding place for all of the old bed parts from Libby's room. We'll get them put away and hopefully I'll be able to change the plate decor out soon so that his room looks a little more masculine. One day at a time...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
We Are Back!
Libby wasn't satisfied being amusing just in the morning. She decided to tell the guys who put her bed together all of her "funny" stories, too. It was hilarious listening to her tell the stories to two complete strangers. If there had been some context it would have made sense, but Libby never set the stories up, she just told them. So you got a little bit of, "I think they should call Hillcrest Russia instead," and some, "At Abby's funeral..." and some, "I just went scampering right over there". Quite comical...especially when you KNOW that Hillcrest is a road in Dubuque that people like to speed (thus rush-a) on or that Libby was recently in Abby's WEDDING. This girl has a future in entertainment. :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Quick Potty Update
Well, I guess we got the ball rolling with those first couple of days because ever since we've been on the road Grace has been doing a decent job of pottying. She has an average of going potty on the potty once a day. A few days not at all, but then again, a few days where she has been on the potty two or three times. Once we get back home and can try to concentrate on it a little more (like on the potty every hour instead of out with friends too often) we should be able to progress a little more quickly...or at least that's what I'm hoping. :)
Monday, August 02, 2010
Our Pet Hippo
The other day Libby and I had one of those cute little conversations that you never want to go away.
Libby asked why Michael Knight (yes, she is an avid "Knight Rider" fan) always ended up in the pound. After figuring out that she meant the pound was jail I answered her question. Then I told her that the pound could be like a jail for animals. We discussed some animals that you could probably find in a pound (mainly cats and dogs) and then she said, "but you wouldn't find a hippo in the pound." I asked her where hippos do live and she said "in water." I looked at her matter of factly, then, and said, "Oh! Can we get one for our bathtub then?" She laughed at me and said that they lived in bigger water than a bath tub, so I asked her for an example. She said, "like at the zoo." So, we determined that maybe hippos should stay in the zoo rather than our bathtub. :)
One Tired Boy!
Bubby's Sunday Menu
Although Bubby got his daily formula, prunes and solids...he also got quite a few treats yesterday, too. He ate probably a 1/4 of a cinnamon roll, 2 french fries and at least 1/2 of mommy's one scoop sundae at Culver's. Note to self: order two scoops next time. :)