Monday, April 30, 2007

Ice Cream Cone

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The other day Libby and I went on a walk around the block. She saw a pine cone and immediately picked it up and said, " cream cone...slurp slurp." It was too cute. I don't think it probably tasted as good as a real ice cream cone though.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Odd Child

What child slurps down their medicine, hands you the cup back and says, "More!"?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Thank You, Libby!

Can I just say that morning sickness is AWFUL? I remember that the second trimester was definitely the best with Libby. I even remember a few select nights that I wasn't feeling well (I won't go into details), but that was mostly in the third trimester. This morning sickness crap? NONE of it! I am not used to this stuff and I DO NOT like it! I am ready for this part of the pregnancy to be over with!

Thursday, April 26, 2007






I can't take credit for this. Hannah took these pictures while they were visiting last month. I thought that it was a cute idea though, so I thought I would post it so that everyone can see how creative my little sister is. :)
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Peer Pressure

Ok, so sometimes peer pressure can be good. I babysit for the Wednesday MOPS group and now that Libby is two she is in my room. Well, obviously we are in the two year old room where about half of the kids are potty trained. While everyone else was going to the potty Libby threw a fit that she wanted to go potty. So, finally the "potty teacher" took Libby. AND...she actually went! My little girl went to the potty in the potty! Now, she won't do it at home because she doesn't care that mommy is a big girl. Slowly, but surely though! We'll get there.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The NEXT American Idol


OK, so we were actually watching the Pussycat Doll show. Anyway, the point is that there was nothing on tv and so we settled on listening to the girls sing on this show. As Libby listened to them, she picked up a bottle of my facial stuff and started singing into it. It was so cute! She just started singing her little heart out into her "microphone".
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Chore Time



No, not where daddy used to work! I've been assigning Libby little chores, such as putting the silver in the dishwasher and taking them out when they're clean, putting her books away when she is finished...and DUSTING! I love it! I put a sock on her hand and work with her and it's fun for both of us. Now I just have to teach her to dust the window SILL, not the window!
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I can do it myself!


Libby is growing up. She can put her own sandals on now. And she is quite proud of that. I'm NOT allowed to help ANYMORE!
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I'm off to...the fields?


Today, after breakfast Libby got down from her started walking to the living room and said, "Muah, bye bye." Then she climbed on her tractor and started "steering" the steering wheel. It was hilarious. I think she is her daddy's little girl.
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Friday, April 20, 2007






After Libby's haircut we started walking back to the van and she got all excited and started shouting, "Train! Train!" She had seen the tracks to the Fenlon Elevator and thought it was a train. I figured she'd been such a good girl that I would definitely treat her to a "train ride". So here is our rewards excursion for Libby's good behavior. What perfect weather to do it in too.
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First Haircut





Well, Stephanie has been telling me I need to do something about Libby's "mullet" for half a year now. So, today, Libby got her hair cut. I was REALLY nervous about it and worried that she was going to throw a fit. I had NOTHING to worry about. We went in, she sat in her chair, I gave her a piece of candy to keep her busy and the girl trimmed her tail off. Her hair is now even in the back. That's that. No tears, no fits, a perfect little girl. My grown up girl.
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

My husband.


So, I don't actually watch American Idol. I've just never gotten into it. BUT...I heard that Sanjaya was kicked off and I just had to post and congratulate all of you fans who are saying, "It's about time!" It's sad that a 17 year old's dreams got crushed, but hey, he's 17. He's got plenty of time to pursue his dreams, just not the "easy" track of American Idol.

Date Night!?!

What is that? Oh yeah, it's where two adults go out of their house and leave their children behind...preferably with a baby sitter when the child is only two. Wow! I almost forgot since it's been so long since Chris and I actually went on a date. BUT, that was all ended last night. We didn't do anything fancy, but hey, it was without Libby! I love my daughter, I do. It was super nice to get to talk to my husband about everything from the house in Indiana to Super Squirt growing away in my belly without having to attend to Libby. What's even better is that Libby didn't chase the babysitter away. Ha! She's always an angel for other people. Anyway, we have another date scheduled for two weeks from last night. How nice! Now we just need to start getting creative with these dates. Any suggestions on something fun and relatively cheap?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Ok...our little girl is growing up. She is starting to not want to have ANYTHING to do with her crib. She did sleep in her crib last night, but only because she kept getting up and walking between the couch (where Chris decided to sleep last, we didn't have a fight) and the bed (where I was trying to sleep). When we took her to her crib, she stood up and started screaming, "Pillow! Pillow!" So...I went without a pillow last night. She went straight to sleep as soon as she had "her" pillow. Needless to say, we went to Wal-Mart and bought her a pillow today. Next is a big girl bed. We wanted to save that for the new house, but we'll see.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Tonight Libby evidently didn't like we were having for supper. We had a layered taco bake and I offered Libby a bite. She said, "Eww, nashy (nasty)". She just kept saying it over and over again.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Toddler's Snack


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Ride 'Em Cowgirl!


This is Jung Ah. She is visiting my parents from South Korea. She is a sweet, fun-loving girl and Chris wanted to see her sitting on Libby's tractor. So she obliged, quite uncomfortably. :D
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Books, Books, Books

Ok, so my question for today is, what is the one item that infests itself all over YOUR house? At our's books! Because we are renting and don't REALLY have a place for them all, I just find them EVERYWHERE! I have books in the drawers on the back porch, on the card table in the kitchen, in the corner cupboards in the dining room, on the dining room table, on the floor in Libby's room, on the dresser in Libby's room, on the floor in the living room, on the computer desk in the living room, on the shelf (where they belong) in the living room, on the stairs going upstairs and last but not least in the bedroom upstairs that we don't use. Wow! I didn't realize I owned that many books...well, I did. I just didn't realize I had that many books with me in Iowa. In reality, this is only a fraction of the books I own. Just imagine four tall bookshelves and a short bookshelf all FILLED with books. Those are the books left back in Indiana! I think I like to read.

Anyway, what item is it that you see everywhere you go in your house?

No Scrabooking for Liza

How disappointing! But, I suppose the sun came up today just the, in my words, LIFE GOES ON!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thankful Thursday


100th Post

I feel special. I've stuck with my blog long enough to hit 100! How about that? What a great time to hit 100. We have now been in Iowa for 6 months. Our house is STILL for sale in Indiana, but I LOVE it out here. I will go wherever God tells me to go, but I truly hope he has me here for longer than a season. Chris's job is challenging, but also rewarding. He learns new things every day between all of his silly meetings. Libby is growing leaps and bounds. She is two now and running around like crazy. She is learning so many new words and even phrases. And obviously, we just found out that I am pregnant again. We are so excited about this new chapter in our life and pray that we will follow God for each step.

Happy Belated Birthday to Me! I've known this for a week, but I was trying to hold off for Mother's Day to tell my parents. I don't have that much patience though so I told them today and now I can post it. I'M PREGNANT!!! I am so excited! I went to the dr's today and my due date is December 12. So, I got the best birthday present which will turn into the best Christmas present.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Job Update

Well, go figure. I just said that I didn't have anything to blog about today and then I realized that I hadn't updated on the preschool versus MOPS ordeal. I decided that by the time child care and taxes cut in I would only be making about $3 an hour. IT ISN'T WORTH IT! I can spend that time at home with my daughter and be able to minister through MOPS. Money is just money...yes it is nice, but even if we're broke I will still love my husband and my daughter. So, I am still a stay at home mom and glad to be with my baby girl!

Grandma's Diary

I didn't really have anything to say today so I thought that I would give my friend Val a plug for one of her sites. Her grandma wrote a diary from when she was a younger woman and now that she has passed on Val is taking the time to blog it journal entry by journal entry to share her grandma's story. I love that idea.

I kept a journal when I was in high school, but I quit once I started what I thought was "real" life. I have started "journaling" again through my blog, but would like to start keeping a journal again. I am reading a book called "Writing from Within" and I hope that I can leave my legacy for my children and grand children just as Val's grandma has left a legacy for her and her children.

Please visit Grandma's Diary and enjoy a taste of history by visiting

I think you'll enjoy it!

Monday, April 09, 2007


Do you know how long it's been since I've had a chance to scrapbook? WAY TO LONG! I have had a few chances to do things for me, but I didn't have my pictures printed out to scrapbook. Now I have the pictures printed and I just need the time. Oh, by the way, happy birthday to me! Sorry, just thought I'd interject that. Anyway, Thursday night our MOPS group has a scrapbooking night and I'm REALLY hoping it's not cancelled. I need this time. I can just feel my creative juices trying to seep out of me. I'm just going to have to keep them inside for a few more days and then they can just flow, flow, flow!

Google Maps

Ok, my friend, Deanna, posted a lovely little diddy about mapping. It was hilarious and I just had to share it with all of my bloggers as well. Follow these directions and have yourself a gut wrenching laugh.

Here are the directions:

1. go to
2. click on "maps"
3. click on "get directions"
4. type "New York" in the first box (the "from" box)
5. type "London" in the second box (the "to" box)
6. scroll down to step #23

Gotta love "GOOGLE"!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thankful Thursday


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Self Portrait


My friend, Val, challenged her bloggers to do a self portraitablut a month ago. I wasn't a reader of her blog at the time, but I have been going through her archives. I figured that even if I didn't like the pictures of myself that I might as well post them so people can see my new haircut if nothing else. So here goes nothing. I'm surely not a photograher like Val, but this'll have to do.
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Well, I had a job interview yesterday. The one thing that Chris and I swore we wouldn't do as parents was to leave Libby in a day care so we could both work. With the house not selling in Indiana though, we are running a little short on money. Now, this job is as a preschool teacher and they have told me that I have the job as long as I want it. It only pays $7.50 an hour and I would have to pay $2.80 + $30/month (diaper deposit). So technically I would only be making $4.70 an hour. It would be a little bit of extra income, but I don't know if it's worth putting my daughter in daycare (CRINGE!) for that amount of money. I do want Libby in pre-school for at least a year, but I was planning on waiting until she was potty trained...and 3. To confuse the issue even more (or maybe clear it up) a good friend called me yesterday and I happened to mention the job possibility to her. She then told me that she had wanted me to help her on the steering committee for MOPS next year. I LOVE MOPS! I was already upset that I was going to miss it. Now, I have the chance to do what I already wanted to do, be on the steering committee. I have been praying for a clear answer and I know which way I WANT to go, but I'm afraid that I'm not being open minded and REALLY looking at the other option.

So, I guess the question I look at this job opportunity as God providing or do I look at it as me not trusting God to provide? Any advice from my wonderful blogging friends? What would you do in this position? I'm open to whatever you have to say.