Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Doggy in Tummy

Libby was playing and talking about "sissy" drinking water. I thought to myself, "Oh my gosh! She's finally getting the concept that she is going to be a big sister." I told her that sissy couldn't drink water yet because she was still in mommy's tummy. (Just a note...NO, we don't know that it is a girl, I was just going with what Libby was saying.) Anyway, she came over to me and looked at my tummy and said, "Doggy in tummy?" I told her that it wasn't a doggy, it was a baby. She kept insisting that I had a doggy in my tummy until she finally lifted up my shirt, pointed to one of my stretch marks and said, "See? Doggy in tummy!" I sure hope not!

1 comment:

Jen&Carter said...

How cute.