Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My Pole Dancers
I remember loving to swing around grandma's poles in her basement as a kid. there is just a fascination there for kids. Now I get to watch my girls do the same thing. Some things just never change. :)
I Love My Grandpa!
For not wanting to have anything to do with Grandpa Tucker at the zoo, Libby sure changed her tune with Grandpa Woods. I think she must be hitting puberty already or something. One day men are evil, the next, well, maybe not so much. It's all about the timing. Us women NEVER think that way, do we? Ha ha!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Grace the Great!
You should have seen Grace's face the first time she accidently pushed the pedal to make the gator go. She was terrified...for about two seconds, until she realized what she had learned. Now, we are IN TROUBLE!!! :)
My Innovative Children...and the Source of my Pain
As for the source of my pain? It's Chris's pain and my sister, Hannah's, pain too. There is poison ivy out here. I don't know how the girls and my parents managed to by-pass the icky stuff, but the rest of us didn't. It's no fun!
Love It!
Nothin' to warm a momma's heart than a picture like this. The only thing that could make it better is to have baby John in the picture too. We'll give that a few months though. We don't want him coming until he is good and ready! :)
Bath Time Funny
Last night Chris had charge of the girls while I was out and about. The girls had played outside and they were a bit muddy so daddy thought he would be kind and do the bath routine so I didn't have to fuss with it in the morning. They had their fun and then they were done. Chris put Grace's diaper on her and she ran off to play...for about 30 seconds. Then she turned around and came back to bathroom, sat on the potty (with her diaper on) and started to grunt...and poop! Daddy changed her diaper again, and when mommy heard the story, she just laughed.
This IS the first time she has even thought about "using" the potty for its intended use though, so it plants kernels of hope in my mind that maybe, just maybe, I can potty train her at an earlier age than I did Libby. Less time with two kids to diaper is always a good thing for a mom! :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Finally Showing
Here is a picture of me the way I look right now and a picture of me the way I looked when I was pregnant with Grace. First of all, I can't believe how much I have changed in the past couple of years. The last time I got my hair cut was the week I found out I was pregnant with Grace. Look how long it is now compared to then. Wow! I started growing it because I wanted to donate it to Locks of Love, but now, I don't really want to cut it again. I think I'll just keep hold of my hair until I'm sick of it (or until John starts tugging on it and driving me crazy) and THEN I'll donate it. :)
The other difference in the pictures is pretty obvious. I have a little girl that is so very independent and so very clingy at the same time. She wanted her way, right away and was not about to let daddy take the picture and THEN settle for mommy. Wow, does she have a whole new world coming to her this fall. I know God will give me the strength to deal with it, but I am NOT looking forward to the fits she is going to throw (not the ingenuity of her mind) while I'm feeding John. I have a feeling I have a whole new world coming too.
Last, but not least, I'm curious to know if you can figure out how far along I am in the picture that I'm pregnant for Grace. Let's see who can guess this one right. :)
I am telling you! I have been having some issues with myself because I keep treating Grace like she is younger than she is. I swear it's the hair! Look at how much older Libby looks at 18 months than Grace. Maybe it's just me. Who knows? Either way, you can tell they are sisters, but Grace is definitely taking on her own looks and character traits.
One More...
On the Other Hand...
Libby has been going through a "girls stay with girls" kick and she was all about her grandma. The only boy that is allowed to be with the girls is John because he is a baby!
Grandpa's Girl
This little girl decided from the moment we reached Tennessee that THIS was her grandpa! She started to say grandpa and she would NOT let him go. She was all about her Grandpa Tucker!