Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bath Time Funny

Last night Chris had charge of the girls while I was out and about. The girls had played outside and they were a bit muddy so daddy thought he would be kind and do the bath routine so I didn't have to fuss with it in the morning. They had their fun and then they were done. Chris put Grace's diaper on her and she ran off to play...for about 30 seconds. Then she turned around and came back to bathroom, sat on the potty (with her diaper on) and started to grunt...and poop! Daddy changed her diaper again, and when mommy heard the story, she just laughed.

This IS the first time she has even thought about "using" the potty for its intended use though, so it plants kernels of hope in my mind that maybe, just maybe, I can potty train her at an earlier age than I did Libby. Less time with two kids to diaper is always a good thing for a mom! :)

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