Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In the Waiting

When Chris and I built in Indiana, we had an AWESOME builder! If we could have brought her with us here and had her build for us again...we would have. Unfortunately, that wasn't a posibility. So, we have been waiting and waiting to see this magical house appear. It hasn't! We both are so frustrated and just want this to be done with. So, on my way to bunco tonight, when I heard this song, I knew that God meant it JUST FOR US! I'm sure that some of you have things going on in your life that you could feel like this song is JUST FOR YOU too. Without further ado, here is FFH with "In the Waiting".

1 comment:

Jen&Carter said...

I can relate to that song as well in the waiting to get pregnant. That is an awesome song, Thank you for sharing.