Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Proof


This is the first proof that sending Libby to preschool is actually doing something for her intellectually. I can't ask her what she learned on any particular day because she looks at me like I just ask her if she ate green cheese from the moon. So, I have to trust God that I followed Him in sending her to school. But, today was the day I have been waiting for this past month and a half. She was sitting at the table (supposed to be eating her soup) and she was singing. She sang, "I know how to spell red. R-E-D. R-E-D." I turned around and asked her how she knew how to spell red and she looked at me funny as if to say, "Duh, mom!" and said, "School." Yea! I can't wait to hear other little tid bits of things she learns from school.

1 comment:

minga said...

oh WOW!!! that is AWESOME!!! libby's growing up so fast!!