Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Because Grace is still in the crib, John sleeps in a pack and play in our closet. Because there is no natural light in the closet, we control his "sunlight". Too make sure he knows when it is night, we only turn the lights off during the night. In the day time he sleeps with the lights on so that when he DOES move to the crib, he'll be able to sleep with the sun filtering in.

Well, on Sunday, he was ready for his morning nap before we went to church. Chris had his bear blanket (the bears are on the other side) hanging over the edge of the pack and play. Well, John evidently decided there was too much light because he grabbed hold of the blanket and pulled it over his head so he could sleep better. What a goofy little boy. :)

Yeah, and that sock that is missing from his right foot up there? We put it back on him before leaving for church. By the time we got to church? It was missing again. Couldn't find it. So, we go to take him in to church...with one sock. By the time we got him to the nursery? The OTHER sock was missing too! We can't find either of them! That must be one hungry boy!

And, last but not least, here is after waking up from his little cat nap. Isn't he so cute?

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