Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Let it Snow!

Tis the season for snow! We managed to make it through October with NO snow to momma's contentment. The girls, on the other hand, have been begging for some white stuff. They got their wish this morning.

At about a quarter to seven Libby was exclaiming quite excitedly to the lump on my bed (a.k.a. me) about the snow that was coming down. I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. She was going to have none of that, though! So, I slowly, but surely rolled out of bed (eventually) as she excitedly got dressed to go play in the snow. I didn't become thankful I was awake until I heard another little voice from the girls' bedroom utter the words, "It snowing! It Christmas!" That was too precious! So, Grace was dressed in a jiffy and ready to play with her sister.

Of course, John had to get in on the fun! He wasn't sure what to think of it. He liked that he could play in it, but he certainly didn't like how cold it was...especially coming down in his face.

Mommy's hair kept dripping once we came in. It was kind of funny.

Libby was just cold and miserable and wanted hot chocolate!

Grace was still quite charmed, though!

And, our snowman was quite happy with the chilly temps. ;)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi I'm Beth just followed your link over here from the chad group. I'm impressed with the snowman!!