Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's the end of the world...

It ended when you (Libby's purse) said good bye. Ok...enough of the Carpenters. :)

Anyway, I had another experience today that reminded me to enjoy the girls while they're little. It seriously bordered on hilarity. I went to Davenport to get fitted for the bridesmaid dress for the wedding in August. (Good news! I'm down a size and almost ~not quite, but almost~ down to my pre-pregnancy size.) While I was there, I stopped at Super-Target and Libby left her purse in the cart. OOPS! I thought about it at least 15 miles from the store so I was NOT going to go back and get it. I made the mistake of mentioning it out loud...that's when the tears started. I decided to time it because she just wasn't calming down. Yeah, 22 minutes later she fell asleep from all of her crying. On one hand, it was a good life lesson on responsibility for her, but on the other hand, it was very hard for me because there was nothing I could say (besides turning around and driving back which wasn't going to happen) to calm her down. Of course by the time I actually called the store to see if they had found it (they did and we'll get it back on our next trip) she was over it.

For now though, I am glad that she is crying over lost purses with toys in them and not over lost boyfriends and broken hearts. I do hope that it takes her a tad bit longer to get over a broken heart though. :)


Alida Sharp said...

I am glad that they have the purse!!

Jen&Carter said...

Poor Libby, I am glad that they found it.