Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So, What IS Important?

Grandma-Great-Great ( my grandma) read a story to Libby this morning that was about a race car that loses the race because he keeps stopping to help all of these people. After the story was over gramdma asked Libby why the race car was so happy. Libby answered, "Because he won?" Grandma told her that he had lost the race. Libby gave her a confused look then. I told her that the story was telling us that winning isn't the greatest thing, but helping others was. She gave me a funny look then and said, "I'd rather win!" I was a little disappointed, but then I thought of how important it was that we teach our children this lesson. I know many adults who have the attitude of Libby. I hope that someday Libby will change her mind, and through my actions and attitudes be able to see the real importance in life.

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