Thursday, March 26, 2009


Don't you just love the language explosion? I adore the feeling of my whole body beaming as I hear a new word out of a precious little mouth, one that I have never heard before. This week has been a full week of language explosions for Grace. She was stuck on "mama", "dada", "uh oh" and "meow" for the longest time. Then, we started hearing what could be "thank you" (still not 100% certain). This week, though, woah, hold the train...we started connecting our "bye bye" with our wave and "hi" came out. Then she started saying "more" with her motion for that too. This morning we were talking about the sound that a sheep makes and when I would ask, she would reply "aaaa". Too cute! Immediately after this conversation she put her dirty diaper in the diaper pail, turned around and said, "Good girl" and clapped. Such excitement! I LOVE it!

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1 comment:

minga said...

awww!!! that is awesome!!!