Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I was just finishing up with Libby in the bath when Grace started crying because she was hungry. Libby was piddling (a lovely trait that I'm not allowed to complain about because I'm the one that passed it down to her) as usual. I told her that Grace was telling her to hurry up because she was hungry. Libby stopped what she was doing and looked toward the front room. She called, "I'm hurrying up!" She paused for a second and then turned to me, "Grace said, 'OK' , I'll wait.'" Then she went back to what she was doing. I'm glad she understands Grace's language because from what I could tell, Grace was still screaming for her to hurry up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really am surprised at how well my oldest understands his brother, when even I can't.