Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Alright, this little girl has sensors on or something. I'm not an early morning person and I don't normally get up until about 8:30 am. Yesterday I tried to get up 15 minutes earlier so I could get my devotions in...Libby was up and out before I could even start reading. Today? Ok, I'm going to be super disciplined and get up as soon as my open instead of rolling back over. The time was 7:15 and Grace was hungry, so I'll just do it after I feed Grace. Well, Libby slept with me last night so she heard Grace fussing and drinking and the like. Yep, she woke up no later than 7:20. Maybe I'll just have to force myself to wake up at 6:00 in the morning. Ha! Good luck with that one. We'll see.

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