Friday, April 11, 2008

Home Is Where the Heart Is

What makes a home? This question has become a central point in my life as we wait, longer than we like, but knowing God will get us in when we are supposed to be there, for our house to be built. Which one is home? Is it the house that we want to be in, but hasn't been built yet? Or is it the one in which we reside although we don't want to be here?

When we moved in to this small house with Libby a year and a half ago, I was very thankful to God that we weren't in an apartment, but I was glad that we weren't going to be here for too long. Only until the house in Indiana sold and we could buy one here. As time went on I got frustrated with this, that or the other and started to gripe about this house. I'm still guilty of it from time to time. Things weren't (once again, still aren't) going as I had planned them and I was frustrated because surely if God wanted us out here, it would have been a smooth transistion, right? As I've been living in this house, for a year and a half now, God has been revealing himself to me day by day.

First of all, my spiritual life, trust in God have been tested and growing since we've been here. Not only that, but I have started on a journey in which I have been finding out who I am...not from my perspective (which isn't really pretty), but from GOD'S perspective (which is SO much better than mine...isn't that amazing?). I am not as happy in the physical aspects, but am so much happier in the spirtual realm. Now, which do you think God cares about more?

Secondly, I am learning to be content (Phillipians 4:11) in this situation and it should make it easier to be content in an easier situation. Now there are still times that I get frustrated and just want to be in the new house. This becomes very evident when I do laundry. My mom says I'm spoiled (and I tend to agree), but I REALLY miss my front loaders and having the laundry not be in the dirty basement. But, overall, I am usually content with being here as long as I know that the house is coming slowly, but surely. This has been a gift from God because there was a moment where I was VERY angry at God and did some stupid things because of it. That was a big hump in the road that brought me to the right attitude, or at least a better one.

Thirdly, I am learning to be thankful in ALL circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). I realized just yesterday that I have been saying, "Well, at least this or that is started, it should have been finished long ago." This isn't the attitude God asks me to have. I should be saying, "Wow! We have a roof now! Thank you Lord for our roof." It gave me a whole new perspective on the rain we had yesterday. Even though the roofers couldn't be out there to finish up, it didn't matter. I was able to enjoy the rain just like I usually do. What a blessing!

So, I have come to the conclusion that home is where your loved ones are. When Libby and I drive out to see the progress on the house, that is all we do. When we are finished, I say to her, "Let's go home." Even though I wish that were home, it's not right now. It's only a house. This house, that I live in with my baby girls and my lovely husband...that is home. It won't always be home, but it is for now.

The best thing? The house that we are going to be moving won't always be my home either. I have a relationship with my wonderful Christ and Saviour. Therefore, my true residence is in heaven (Phillipians 3:20-4:1). I am a stranger here on earth, a wanderer, we Americans might say an alien (1 Peter 1:1, 2:11-12, Hebrews 11:13-16). I pray to God every day that He reflects through me more and more (2 Corinthians 3:18). I have to live my life with eternity in mind (Matthew 6:19-21). My life shouldn't revolve around this house or that house or any earthly thing. My life should be poured into trying to live Christ for my girls, my husband and the people I meet on a daily basis. Although houses, cars and "toys" are nice, that isn't what life is about.

My hope is that you all can see Christ in me as I grow daily in my walk with Him. If anyone that is reading this is interested in anything I've said, just let me know. I'd love to talk with you about the love I have for my Lord.


Anonymous said...

I've actually been having some similar struggles. We've never owned a house. We've been in an apartment for 7 years and it's so hard not to get fitful about it. It's fun to dream about the yard and space I'll someday have, but when all I do is dream about my life then, I find myself getting more and more discontented with my life now. That only adds stress and anxiety.

I was thinking just yesterday, "If I'm not content now, when will I be?" I always keep thinking, "Things will be better when this happens, etc." but that's not how it works. I agree with you that home is wherever our family happens to be and focus more on that.

Melanie said...

What a great post! Every word is so very true. I have similar struggles -- being content with where I am right now. I'm growing and it gets easier, but I'm still a work in progress. And, thank goodness, God is with me as I grow and NEVER gives up on me!

Alida Sharp said...

We sold our house, traveled from state to state for 4 months raising support for us to live in Russia, moved to Russia and lived in aa apartment, then in a dorm and then finally into the apartment we are in now... it was a long year for us.

I can wholeheartedly agree with you that home is where your loved ones are!!

Unknown said...

Great post, Liza. :)