Wednesday, April 02, 2008

7 Facts Meme

Erin from Imperfect Mother tagged me for a meme. So, if you already know me...bear with me. And if you don' are a few facts about me.

Here are the rules of the game;
1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I am going to be 27 on April 9.
2. I got my first set of stitches when I ran into a corner in our house when I was really young. You could see a bone sticking out and my dad went to the hospital without his shoes on because he was in such a hurry.
3. Kindergarten and 4th grade were my favorite years in school.
4. Speaking of school, my hubby proposed to me on the playground of my elementary school and then we ended up getting married at my elementary school as well.
5. I still get ear aches.
6. I have my Early Childhood Education degree.
7. I just figured out how to link in a post today. Ha ha ha! I'm such a dork.

I am going to tag:
1. The Single Mom
2. Melissa
3. Nissa
4. Summer
5. Melanie
6. Amy Wyatt
7. Blessing Hill

Have fun!


Tarasview said...

I found your blog through Nisa's blog. I still get earaches too!

Dave Woods said...

Hey Baby you might want to let them know that you was not in elementary school when Chris poped the question.

Love Dad

Melissa said...

This was great!

I'll try to post my answers soon...thanks for tagging me!

Nissa said...

#4 is sooo cool! You should post the details of that story!

Congrats on figuring out links.. you're offically an addicted blogger, now! ;)

I'll do my answers in a Thursday thirteen today, I think. Gotta wake up first!

Anonymous said...

Married at an elementary school? Now I've never heard of anyone doing that. Sounds cool.
I'll try to do this tag soon.

Melanie said...

Thanks for tagging me... my post will be up later this evening.